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As you may already know, the IELTS exam often focuses on common topics such as education, technology, environment, health, culture, and society. Practicing listening by topic helps you familiarize yourself with vocabulary and grammar related to these areas, thereby increasing your chances of understanding and effectively answering questions. Each topic in IELTS requires different listening skills. By practicing by topic, you can focus on developing specific skills needed for your goal. Practicing IELTS listening by topic helps you become more confident when facing complex topics in the exam. Being familiar with these challenging topics will make you feel more confident when listening and understanding the audio in the IELTS Listening test.
Videos provide you with the opportunity to listen and learn languages in real-life situations and contexts. This helps you develop your listening and language understanding more naturally. Listening to and watching videos require quicker reflexes compared to reading text. Therefore, practicing listening through videos can help learners improve their listening and reflex skills more effectively.
When practicing listening, MochiVideo applies the Listen - Reflect method to help you grasp vocabulary in the conversation. After reflecting in the initial learning sessions, MochiVideo suggests you continue detailed listening in each video. You can look up the vocabulary right in the video to understand the meaning and context of its use.
For English learners
For Japanese learners
For Chinese learners
Other recommendation
Japanese words of the day